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Why blogs (and content) still matter

What a year, huh? Especially if you’re a business owner, you’ve been through the wringer, likely even contemplating the very status of your business and whether you could keep employees paid and the lights on. As a business owner myself, I sympathize, especially with those who have had to shutter their doors or shift to a new dream as a result of “new normal”. And now, many of us are left standing here wondering — what next? But I’m here with a message of hope for business owners; a message that should reinvigorate and renew you and help you attempt to refocus during this time of transition and pivot for all: blogs (and content) still matter.

Blogging and content in 2020

Marketing, especially as a small-to-medium size business or even a solopreneur is no simple feat. Ask any successful marketer whether they ever feel like they have a grasp on “what’s next” and they’ll likely tell you “no.” Who would have ever thought we’d live in a world where :15 dancing videos are all the craze? (Note: I’m not advocating for you to be TikTok-ing!)

Creating quality content helps you capture and then give life to your brand. It should always provide value to your readers, while driving home the ‘why’ we so often hear about.

You’re pulled in a million different directions, likely unclear on which marketing channels to utilize. One that will stand the test of time and always be a worthwhile investment of time and energy is blogging/content. Its benefits are two-fold: (1) It helps you capture and then give life to your brand; blogging should always provide value to your readers while driving home the ‘why’ we so often hear about; (2) It still helps you generate website traffic, even in 2020. If you’re not out there talking about ‘it’ (whatever your ‘it’ may be), someone else will, and that someone will steal the potential share of voice you have in the world. Content is something you own, with your voice and your goals in mind, that directly influences your target audience. Tell your story while having it connect with whomever you’re trying to influence and reach. People are still reading blogs and website copy. Still.


Don’t stop blogging. Don’t stop revisiting and revising and redeveloping your website content. The world hasn’t remained the same, and neither should your marketing assets. Use this (crazy) year as an opportunity to really determine if the story you’re telling is the most authentic and meaningful. Blogs (and content) still matter, so keep up the great work and keep digging!

If you want help creating content for your business, Pence Media Group can help tell your story. Consider it done.


Brittany is a proud wife and dog mom, sister, the best aunt in the world (she’s told). When she isn’t nesting at home, you can find her family in the northwoods of Wisconsin, on the lake! Having lived in 8 different states, Brittany prides herself on being able to find something in common with anyone she comes across — she’s never met a stranger. Brittany’s big into home decorating and all things HGTV, being a “plant mom” and spending time with those she loves most.

Author | Brittany Simpson

Social Media Strategist


Let Pence Media Group’s team of experts build your brand and tell your story while you focus on your business.